To do or not to do…

I’ve never really taken to super chunky yarn, it worries me to wear such a thick garment. I’m not sure it looks good… especially on my pear shaped body. So I’ve stayed away from it and never really used it for anything. I had thought that one day maybe for a blanket or something I might give it a try but there was too much other stuff to concentrate on. 
That was until I saw this gorgeous super chunky merino called Araunciana maipo. I lusted after it once I saw it… but bought it with much apprehension. You know we all have a journey from when we buy the materials until we decide what to do with it. That’s a bonding journey… (unless you already know what you’re making and buy just for that.) I never do. So I embarked on my bonding journey with this yarn… I stared at it for a few days, (hugged it too), researched patterns, invested in a big hook… then got frustrated because I couldn’t find the project I wanted to make. 
At which point I decided just crochet with it, no pattern, no idea on what to do… JUST DO IT! 

I’ve finally finished and it’s turned out to be this –
ta daaaa… (imagine trumpets blowing) 

It’s a sleeveless vest, closed at the front, with practically no shaping and a simple V neck. The ribbing is a simple front post HDC. I do wear it which means it’s passed a certain test in my mind. I really enjoyed how easy it was to work with, quick to complete and yes the most important thing was that it didn’t pile when I unravelled it to rework a line. (Yes it took many unravelled goes to make it work) it’s turned out into a usable and loveable spring garment which is easy to wear. 

Hope you enjoy the inspiration and keep having fun! 

Please let me know if you’d like a pattern. I haven’t written anything yet but I’m sure that I will write it soon and I’ll be happy to share it. 

P xx 

Going on holidays… 

Going on holidays… 
At the spur of the moment we decided to take the kids on a little break. It felt so lovely driving away…

We have decided to take a trip to country NSW and country VIC. Our family loves all things old… old towns, old things, antiques and old trails. We found some very interesting things in this little town which today identifies itself with an outlaws antics. The infamous Ned Kelly raided the hotel we stayed in back in the 1800’s. Here are some photos of the sleepy old town. 

Th hotel we stayed in had beautiful tin walls and ceilings. 
There was a gorgeous lake near by which was great for bike riding. All up it was a lovely stay and we had so much fun!

I’ve finished a yummy crochet project too. It’s all chunky yarn… a lot of research went into it. Photos coming up soon. 

Hope you are enjoying yourself where ever you are! 
Lots of love 

P x