Road to satisfaction…

Hello everyone, wonder if you guys have felt like this before: I hit the point of saturation on a crochet project recently. It was halfway through the first part of a shrug and because I knew there was quite a lot more to go, I just exhausted myself. The brain starts to send little tweaky messages about how long this is going to take, and how I can’t wait to work with something else. 😩 Then the 4 ply yarn rolls through my hands like the finest of threads (even tough it’s not) and as I weave my 3.5mm hook through the fine crochet I’m doing my hands start to cramp!! ✊🏻👋🏼👐🏻Ouch! I stop, look around, try to engage myself in the TV and keep crocheting like its something that’s happening by itself and I’ve got no part to play in it. 🙄 Of course that doesn’t work. Then I remind myself how much this alpaca yarn cost, even when it was on sale. And how I promised myself that I will finish this project and not just leave it to add to the stash! Yes that’s right I tell myself, slow and steady wins the race. And while I’m conjuring up imaginary visions of myself crocheting as a steady tortoise the hands still keep moving, slower now. 😏😖 Needless to say, I put the project away for a while and moved on to something else. I took photos of some recent completed projects: 

That seemed to make me better. What makes you feel motivated if you ever need an extra push to finish a crochet project? 🤔 To wrap up my experience, I finished an easier crochet project: a granny square cowl in a gorgeous yarn. 

I suppose having a couple of projects going at the same time can help. Especially as I find that finished projects are hugely satisfying so finishing off small projects on the way to finishing off a big one helps. And then I’m planning on attacking that alpaca shrug once more. With the help of strong coffee and more TV. 😄😌

Hope you are all enjoying yourselves too. 


P x

About favourite things 

This is the story of my life. The things I love the most all together on a mildly cold Friday afternoon. The latest crochet project, my dog and my son. (Not necessarily in that order)

Life has been beautiful and we are so blessed. I thought I’d share this photo with you as it depicts the most relaxed admosphere we’ve had almost all week! 

Share the love everyone and hope you are having a relaxed time too. 



Cake and happiness 

Hello everyone 

Sydney is bright and beautiful today. Winter sunshine= happiness and I’ve been smiling a lot today 😀☺️ 

After a very wild weekend of rain, like lots and lots of rain, ( I personally love rain, I don’t like getting wet, but I like watching it fall when I’m warm and dry, preferably curled up with my favourite series on Tv and a juicy crochet project) but there’s rain, and then there’s exponentially exploding rain see here :

It meant a lot of time spent indoors, eating, cooking and of course baking. I’m rather proud of myself actually as I concocted a recipie for an unusual cake, which actually worked, and boy is it yummy…. 

Lychee and Pineapple olive oil cake 

I have to say I’m a big fan of making cakes with olive oil, much like my fellow blogger Connie@bohemian food. 😊

On the crochet front I’m feeling the positive energy. I’ve dived into my yarn stash and have organised my alpaca see here 

And I’m making a crochet cocoon shrug which may or may not turn out ok. Why the big question… Because there is no pattern. It’s just fresh out of my brain… Inspired by lots of reading and Pinterest reseach…. 

This is what it looks like now 

At the moment I’m going to bed for some beauty sleep. I will pray to God for the patience to finish this shrug. Using thin yarn and a small size hook is not fun, making me take so long over one project, I feel like giving it up sometimes! 😩 Can’t complain too much though, I’m loving the feel of the alpaca in my hands. I also have the young inspector morse to keep me company. I’m watching the dishy Sean Evans with much interest in the ITV series ‘Endeavour’ and I’m lovin it! 

Lots of love to you all, hope the sun is shining on you. 

P xx

Not another scarf…..!

There is something so comforting about ‘scarfing’-(making more scarfs). Maybe because they are easy, versatile and quick. I’ve made another one but this one is making me really happy. I’ve tried new techniques like a simple cable in the body, and a contrasting colour to crochet the bead and tassles to add oomph. What do you think? 

P xx

Crochet is good for me 

Hello everyone 

No I haven’t been away, I’ve just been trying to justify the time, money and energy I spend crocheting. With a travelling husband, two young adults (kids who think they are qualified to be my own parent), a dog and a home, I struggle to find my crochet time. I have been exercising a lot recently (5 km walk everyday this week) which also eats away at my time. And when I can’t crochet I get angry, frustrated, short and very anti-social. Why?? Because it’s not just crochet, it’s therapy. It keeps me in a happy place. Here is something interesting I dug up:

I know it talks about knitting, just replace that with crocheting! Enjoy reading 

Love and happiness wherever you are. 
